Become a part of our winning team.
OVMS Science Olympiad is ranked 1st in
San Diego and 4th in Southern California.
Interested Parent Coaches:
Select only the events you are truly interested in coaching. Checking the box for every
event is unhelpful to us and makes it harder to make the best placement for our students.
Therefore, we will not consider applications with every event checked.
Click on the Coaching Interest List button below to see the
latest updates about open coaching spots.
OVMS Science Olympiad is ranked 1st in
San Diego and 4th in Southern California.
Interested Parent Coaches:
Select only the events you are truly interested in coaching. Checking the box for every
event is unhelpful to us and makes it harder to make the best placement for our students.
Therefore, we will not consider applications with every event checked.
Click on the Coaching Interest List button below to see the
latest updates about open coaching spots.
***PLEASE make sure your email allows you to be directly added to a Google Group.
Sometimes children under age 13 do not have correct permissions.***
2024-25 Student Interest List:
2024-25 Coach Interest List:
Summer Workshop 2024
This form is for rising 7th and 8th Graders who are interested in summer workshops.